작성일 : 24-04-13 11:39
2024년4월7일 주일말씀 Englsih sermon " Great Commandment Of The Lord" Matthew's Gospel 28:16-20
 글쓴이 : 최고관리자
조회 : 12  
Sermon English Text  AKFPC /  April 7, 2024    Rev. Yongjin Park

“Great Commandment Of The Lord” (Matthew’s Gospel 28:16-20)

May the grace and love of God is upon you who is listening God’s voice today in this worship.

Let the grace and love of God is upon you who are listening God’s voice today in this worship.

We are in typically two types of life. One is the present driven life and the other is the purpose driven life. The life that resolves everyday needs is present driven life while the life that work for certain goal is purpose driven life.

We enter school at 7 years old, enter college at 19, have job 30, buy house at 40, build business at 50, get grandchild, retire at 70, and be alone at 80 before end. This is routine of everyone' life.

Present driven life is to fill this need effectively and responsibly rather than others. There is someone who has different type of life. They live for others, family, neighbors, nations, all human, or God.
This is the purpose driven life.

This world has been making changed, developed, renewed, or beautiful by these kinds of wonderful peoples.

Children of God are the best persons who have great goal among them. They are building kingdom of God, will of God who created this world and sovereign all life on earth.

Today Bible passage is The Great Commandment of Jesus Christ to us, children of God.

Let us read together Matthew's Gospel 28:16-20,

 "Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth had been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

The risen Lord Jesus Christ said to his disciples to come a mountain in Galilee. He gave the last word to them before ascension to heaven. This is called as "The great commandment"

Loving each other is rule to keep and making disciples is mission on us. Rule is to keep in life and mission is to accomplish in life.

We have to love and to work according to His orders, making disciples with love.

And what we have to teach? We have to teach God is alive and Jesus Christ is our Lord of life. We are called to do this order.

How can we, a fragile life accomplish this great purpose of God? We can do in spite of many weaknesses in building church, serving worship, filling faith, praising His name. We are small individually but can be great while serving together as streams become rivers and ocean. We become to life up name of God and cross of Jesus Christ before this world.

Jesus Christ says in Matthew's Gospel 28:20,

"teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

When Spirit of Jesus will be with us?

When we make disciples in baptizing, teaching, keeping, them obey, the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit is with us. Only when we obey what Jesus Christ has commanded us, we can see miracle and power of God.

Brothers and sisters in Lord,

Let us deliver gospel of Jesus Christ to this world.
This is what God pleases.

The spiritual power from God is not for personal gift but for holy community like church or faithful group to accomplish mission from God.

Peter, disciple of Jesus Christ was in vain of power or glory when he was fisherman. But after baptized by Holy Spirit He became great servant to proclaim gospel to multiple of people in making them worship God, build church, drive demon, heal the sick. When he accomplish the great commandment of Lord all power was with him.

Even though King Herod put him in jail, God released him by hand of angels.

Acts 9:34 says,

"Aeneas" Peter said to him, "Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and take care of your mat." Immediately Aneas got up."

When Paul travel many cities in Asia and Europe, the great power of  God with him as his a piece of clothes made the sick healed.

When he was enemy to Christ, he destroyed church but after born again by the risen Lord he became the new life to bring multiple souls to the Lord.

Acts 14:9-10 says,

"He listened to Paul as he was speaking; Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed and called out, "Stand up on your feet!" At that, the man jumped up and began to walk." 

Bible is the great report to introduce those who turned to God by gospel of Jesus Christ and changed to be new life having the purpose driven life to build kingdom of God.

In John's Gospel 3, Nicodemus, leader of teacher of Jews visited at night Jesus and listened Word of God from the Lord and became the purpose driven life to build kingdom of God.

And in the next chapter, a pitiful women by well encountered Jesus and after listening Word of God by Jesus Christ she abandoned his water pot and bring people of her villages to the Lord. She was building kingdom of God with gospel.

God so loves us and called us his precise children. Animal live and died and plant as well but only human having image of God know God and worship Him. He created us as this.

Knowing God is our glory and we can get the glory once we confess and worship Him so that the moment we worship is the best second as the created by God.

Jesus Christ has commanded us to do this, in making disciples, baptizing them, teaching them to obey until end of our life.

Luke's Gospel 17:20-21 says,

" Once, having been asked by Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, not will people say, "Here it is, or " There it is," because the kingdom of God is within you."

A successful businessman was born again and baptized after his retirement. He left this world after enjoying peaceful faith life with family. He said that the best thing of my life was the work to believe in Jesus Christ. It did not know this joy was great as this!

Luke's Gospel 24:52-52 says,

"Then they worshipped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple praising God."

God be with all of you, Amen.



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